The Studio's essence is encapsulated in the two words that welcome all guests who enter this space: 休。修。
Both written in the form of inscriptions discovered on ancient bones (甲骨文), you might see different shapes of humans resting under some form of shelter. That’s my vision for this space — for us to find our own (different) paths to restoration, our own paths to healing.
The word 休 (rest), is also resting on top of the word 修 (discipline, restoration, repair, practice). Our rest comes not by chance, not as some leftover after every other task is attended to, but as an intention on its own right. It is a part of our growth and our aliveness. It deserves its own space, it deserves our time just as much as everything else. And so I see rest as a committed practice.
Day after day, these two words continue to teach me so much about what Studio SOMAYOKE has to offer. The studio’s schedule remains exclusive for folks who are on their healing journeys in the 1-1 body based sessions that I offer, but the studio is also open on certain days to anyone keen to join in a group practice of rest. We will be offering Yoga Nidra, a restoration practice that eases us into deeper states of relaxation and healing.